Turkish Republic is 99 years old.

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
Turkish Republic Flag

Turkish Republic is 99 years old. Mustafa Kemal was the leader of Turkish Independence war. He had many plans to be indepedent and powerful. He is a genius. Turkish public won the independence war by the leadership of Mustafa Kemal in 1922. It was the first target. He did it. But it wasn’t enough. There were a lot to do in order to be powerful. Then he planned to establish the government and Republic because this state should have an identity. Ottoman Empire was the last state and the same order couldn’t be kept. The new state should be more powerful than the past. Also the new state should have some principles like the republics have.

After a year, the peace negotations were lasted in Lozan. But the new state hadn’t have any identity. Mustafa Kemal decided to name the new state: Turkish Republic. Turkish Republic was declared in 29th of October 1923. It wasn’t the end. He continued his path to be a powerful state. He left his principles as a heritage to all Turkish generations….

Forever Turkiye and Turkish Republic….


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