Leadership is very important in our world today. The leaders of the nations’ have to make policies in order to make the world a better place. To fulfill this mission, a leader has to show some great skills. They have to make right decisions so their nation and the world can have a healthy development. When the leadership is the title, there is only one man: Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
I will not talk about his life here, but we can talk about his features. Firstly, he loves freedom and also, he believes in respect to all nations and flags. He knows the right of all people and countries. He evaluates a situation with different angles so he can make the best decision. Although he is a soldier, he never thinks that war is the most necessary method (even the cold war) unless it is about defending the homeland. He believes in science and education. He thinks very well before making a statement. He avoids being disrespectful to different beliefs and nations. He is trying to understand every issue to make the right solution. He respects the ideas of the authorized and experienced people. Briefly he knows how to lead a nation very well.
He is the leader of Turkish Republic. He had Turkish Republic established by the right and necessary moves. Even while he was struggling with seven countries, he didn’t humiliate the enemies or their troops. He guessed the result of WWII correctly before the war happened. He left a guidance for the nations in order to be free and to have a great development.
Even Sir Winston Churchill stated that we could be the witness to face a genius maybe in thousands of years, this time a genius was leading Turks.
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