We have many magnificent buildings in Anatolia. They left their legacy on this land and history. The fortresses have still a remarkable fame even today. Imagine that there is a rock standing in the middle of a city. It is so high that it is impossible to reach there by normal methods. Even if a civilization manages to build something on it, it will be magnificent.

Karahisar Fortress in Western Anatolia is this kind of a building. A rock that is standing in the middle of city is over 200 meters and a fortress was built over this rock. Starting from Hittite empire, the fortress has been looking over the city. Every civilization that dominated the region admired the fortress and its location. It is so perfect that it can’t be conquered by the ordinary military tactics. Only air force may help you for this goal. This fortress had nay important missions in the history such as treasury and watching the region. The only way to reach the fortress is the stairs. As it is said, time is cruel. Also, time didn’t act very well to this fortress and when it lost its importance, the fortress became a ruin. Even though it is considered as antique fortress, it is looking as great as it used to be….

Come to Turkiye…

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