An aircraft carrier island- Cyprus; Turkish Side

Cyprus is an island that is considered as the aircraft carrier of Mediterranean. Northern Cyprus of Turkish Republic is one of two states on the island. The historical background of Northern Cyprus is dated back to ancient era. There are deep traces of Greek and Turkish cultures on the societies of the island. Even Turkish majority of Cyprus island was under torture and pressure in 1960’s. After the military campaign of Turkey in 1974, Turkish society was taken under the protection of Turkish Republic. NCTR was founded in 1983.
Tourism is the major economical activity of the island. Hotels and gambling are the important tools of Cyprus tourism. The nature of the Cyprus island is so impressive that it is the authentic Mediterranean island. You can visit the Greek massacre museums, green line and hotels. The sightseeing places are related to the dark history of the island. That’s why the tourism develops in an another way for NCTR. Also the British life system was injected to the island life. Even the traffic is running on the right side.
Discover Cyprus and feel the history.