Zela Ancient site
Zela ancient site had an important place in ancient times. Zela was considered as a religious center more than a site. Because this site was famous for the temples. A priest and his society were living there. Especially Persians and Armenians respected this area.
In a time period, this site was divided into three regions. Two parts were shared between two priests and a region was under the reign of Roman Empire. After a priest passed away, a war began for this territory. Pontic Greek State wanted to capture the region. But Roman Empire didn’t want to let it happen. So two armies confronted nearby Zela site. Roman Empiror Caesar won the battle.
Unfortunately we don’t have too much archeaological objects from the area. But we know that Emperor Caesar sent a letter to Roman Parliament to declare his victory; Veni,Vici,Vidi….
Today’s Zile county was established on the ancient site Zela..
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