Why is Turkey so attractive for tourism?
Tourism is a mixture of some branches and culture. Also culture has a diversity inside the subject. Briefly if tourism of a country works well, it means that the management of culture and other branches work very well. Having a tool such as historical background is a gift but the most important thing is to manage them up to the benefit of the country.
Some countries are very lucky for the fundamental of tourism. Turkey is one of them. We have historical background, multi-cultural structure and hospitality. The disadvantage we have is (sometimes) to be lack of management of those tools. Also tourism is one of the top sectors that are affected from international and economical events in the world. We can state that it is a very sensitive sector. The most important tool we have is the reputation of the country. Investing in tourism means to be flexible and open-minded. Any obstacle can interrupt the works of tourism. Tolerance for other cultures and other people is the another key tool of tourism. Especially the religious tourism is one of the top branches in Turkey. Thus belief have a deep diversity in the world. Every culture has good and bad sides. So we should evaluate them in an objective perspective. Natural beauties are the most important tools of a country not only for tourism and also for environment protection. Turkish Republic have all of those tools. Even domestic tourism can be so perfect that our citizens can be an expert of publicity. It requires investment and education. At least we have a great hospitality in our country.
History is a time period which records the events and everything that affects the life. We find out the events and characters from the historical records. That’s why our cultural legacy is very important. According to the records, we had many powerful characters. Roman Emperors are starring. We can list Alexander the Great and Egytpian Queen Cleopatra and more. Isn’t it enough to state those names to show the importance of this landscape?
Turkish landscape offers you more opportunity. Discover Turkey and explore tourism….