Teion ancient site; A great site on Black Sea coast

Tieion ancient site is one of the ancient sites in Black Sea. It is located in Zonguldak county of Turkey. A priest named ” Tios” was leader of Greek community. They established Tieion on the coast of Black Sea. Roman Empire ruined the city but they reconstructed the site. Then it became a fishing center. Not only Aegean side and […]

Antiphellos ancient site; A site that is across the rocky place

Antalya region has many ancient sites such as Antiphellos. All of them have outstanding features and stories. Antiphellos is one of the ancient sites that have interesting stories. Here it is; This site was built in Lycian region and it was constructed across the rocky territory. The word was ” Antiphellos”. It was the member of Lycian Unity. But it […]