0ne thousand one churches; A great sample of early Christian churches

Early Christians left us a cultural heritage in Anatolia. It is so valuable that they also give hints about Christian history of the world. We are going to visit a place such a basilica; This is called one-thousand-one churches but the most important building is basilica number 1. It was built around 500 AD. It has a traditional Christian architecture. […]

King Menua; An Urartu King that had its landscape constructed

King Menua was one of the well known Urartu kings because he had many monuments in Urartu land including Mesopotamia and Anatolia. He became king in 800 BC and he decorated his land with architectural monuments. Military castles were important buildings in order to control the landscape of Urartu state. Beside the castles, the civil buildings and projects were done. […]

Çatalhöyük II; The monument of the history

All archeological world knows that there are some places that have important place in history such as Egypt and Mesopotamia. While listing those locations, you shouldn’t forget historical Small Asian peninsula settlement areas such as Çatalhöyük. Those settlement areas provide us priceless hints on life in ancient era in Small Asia. Firstly we find out that there used to be […]

King’s Daughter Castle ; A castle for Persian princess

It is one of the unlucky monuments of Southern Anatolia. Despite of its huge size, the castle remained as a ruin today. As the archeological works hasn’t been done, we don’t have sufficient information on the castle. But it is a huge and beautiful castle. It deserves to be interested. It is thought that it is a Persian castle. Persian […]

Kemah Castle; A natural castle in Eastern of Turkey

Eastern Anatolia has a tough surface. That’s why when you see a building in that surface, you admire the constructors and the building. This castle is one of those buildings. Kemah Castle was built into a natural rocky territory. It is located in Erzincan province; Its construction year isn’t certain. It is thought that it was constructed in 4.000 BC. […]

Pearls of Yalova; Erikli and Sudüşen Waterfalls

I would like to introduce you two nice waterfalls of Turkey. They are in border of Yalova province where is in South Marmara. Those are also resorts and camping areas around those waterfalls. Erikli and Sudüşen Waterfalls are the natural beauties of Southern Marmara region. They were also well known places in ancient era. They are one of the worth […]

Byzantine war ship sample; A real one in Istanbul

As we know that Byzantine Navy was one of the powerful one in earlier ages. It was described as the best navy with secret weapons. It is known that one of the secret weapon was Greek fire. It could burn the enemy ship approaching the Byzantine ship. Unfortunately those statements were just a description and we didn’t have any proof […]