Akyatan coast of Adana province; home of sea turtles

Mostly the Aegean coasts are known as the home of sea turtles such as caretta caretta. But they also lay eggs in another beaches like Akyatan coast. It used to be polluted once upon a time but it was cleaned. So the sea turtles begin to come here to lay eggs. After the baby turtles…

A hidden room under a house

South eastern Anatolia has been a junction in every direction. East to west and north to south, this region has a way to every direction. That’s why south eastern Anatolia has hidden treasures in the region. Last sample of those treasures is a hidden room under a village house. According to the archeaological works, it…

One of the oldest babies of Anatolia

Historical Arslantepe site which is located in Malatya province offers us great treasures that are worthvisiting. As we know that every archeaogical items can’t be exhibited even they are very valuable. One of those items is being exhibited in Malatya archeaological museum. A buried baby in a jar is such an object. It is guessed…