Caves of Zağ; Secret praying place of first Christians

Caves of Zag which are located in Bingöl province were one of the secret praying places for first Christians. Before Christianty was accepted by Romans, first Christians looked for secret places. Those caves were one of them. It is estimated that it was built in 5th AD. It has 5 stories. Every story has its…

Norik ancient site: An ancient site that will be gone forever

Another ancient site will be other victim of dam projects in Turkey. Norik ancient site which is in Bingöl province will be under the dam lake. During the excavations, An Urartu resident site was unearthed. It became a rescue excavation for the region. Many items from Urartu period were unearthed. Carvings of Urartus’ have a…

Three Byzantian cisterns of Constantinople

Constantinople was the capital of Byzantine Empire and also was holy city for Christianity. Byzantine Emperors were aware of these facts so they have reconstructed this city several times. Especially the cisterns had a great importance due to fulfill the water necessity of the capital. During a siege, cisterns had a vital role. Thus many…

The hidden treasures of Small Asia

Local regions can hide archeological treasures as the ancient pieces were used for building houses and facilities. One of these cases became true in Cappadocia. A hieroglyphic carving that is around 3500 years old was found on a wall of a barn. This carving remained from Hittites period. Due to the possibility to find new…

A game set that was the proof of smart minds 5000 years ago

As whole authorities accept the theory which Mesopotomia and round regions are the zones where human being development started, the proofs of this theory are being unearthed in Siirt province of Turkey. Başur ancient site of Siirt province has been excavated for a while. Recent discovery of a tomb lights up a smart mind work.…

The oldest mosaic of Anatolia; probably from Hitites period

We all think that mosaics belong to Roman Age probably but this one is older than Roman Age. It was unearthed in a Hittites residence region. It is thought that it was on the ceiling of a holy building. More than this, this ancient site can be the lost Hittite site. It isn’t certain right…

Bone items from ancient sites in Turkey

We know some certain things on daily life of ancient times such as usage of human bone for figures. Archeologist discovered some bone figures in important sites such as Çatalhöyük. It is guessed that they are around 8000 years old. The figures above are symbolizing female figures and something. They can be done for every…

Earthquake records in ancient site of Constantinapole

Bathonea ancient port site of Istanbul is giving us important hints of the earthquake that existed in 558 AD. Istanbul city and environment had experienced many destructive earthquakes for centuries. This one was one of the destructive earthquakes that was recorded in Constantinapole. Bathonea ancient port site was the last stop before Constantinapole. Also it…