Treasure of Troy is one of the richest collections of the world it has ever been known. Until it had been discovered, it is always very important due to its value. It is so valuable that it is difficult to express. British Museum opened a new section on the treasure of Troy. They were brought…
Troy; the excavations light up the history
Troy is an ancient site that was very important for the history. This site had been built for ten times due to some reasons such as earthquake and restorations. Troy was the site where historical legendary war had existed. The culture level of this legendary war was unearthed. The archeaologists found a level that was…
Theaters in ancient period
Theater was the most common and only (almost) way to state every situations in ther public for ancient period. That’s why we can come across many giant and small theaters in ancient sites. Across the world, we can see the same architectural site plan due to Roman affect. As we know that masks of theater…
An interesting story from Demre ancient site (Antalya)
We all know Demre as the home of Santa Claus. Also it hosts one of the most important churches of Christianity. But it isn’t the story. An interesting object was unearthed during the excavations. A hidden object in lead envelope was found. It could be a sign of black magic. As it was made of…
Parion; A port city of Roman age
Parion was an important ancient site and today it is located in the border of Çanakkale province. The discoveries in Parion make the archeologist very excited. A tomb was unearthed and it is understood that it belongs to a local woman doctor. Some solutions were found. She cured some diseases by using snake poison. Also…
A temple of ancient times
Turkey is a country that the archeological items can be found at any time. A temple in Mardin province was unearthed. We know Göbeklitepe but the discoveries showed us that there are a lot of temples of ancient sites at the region. It is around 11300 years old. Archeology is the branch of history that…
A child who is 5700 years old
Last discovery in Arslantepe (Malatya) is very dramatic but interesting. One of the oldest inhabitant of the landscape was unearthed. A child skeleton was found. He is 5700 years old. As we mentioned that the inhabitants of this landscape are special. This kid is the child of Arslantepe.
Ground Mosaic; Last great discovery
As we mentioned before, history lives here. We can present you a ground mosaic for this statement. Indeed it was discovered by chance but it doesn’t make it unnecessary. Mosaics of Romans and Byzantines were the way of portrating a mythological story or a triumph. That’s why they have a different place during the excavations.…