Caves of Zağ; Secret praying place of first Christians

Caves of Zag which are located in Bingöl province were one of the secret praying places for first Christians. Before Christianty was accepted by Romans, first Christians looked for secret places. Those caves were one of them. It is estimated that it was built in 5th AD. It has 5 stories. Every story has its…

Three Byzantian cisterns of Constantinople

Constantinople was the capital of Byzantine Empire and also was holy city for Christianity. Byzantine Emperors were aware of these facts so they have reconstructed this city several times. Especially the cisterns had a great importance due to fulfill the water necessity of the capital. During a siege, cisterns had a vital role. Thus many…

The biggest underground city of Turkey was unearthed; Kayseri /Bürüngüz underground city

As it was mentioned before, Central Anatolia of Turkey still hides something for archeologists. The last discovery in Kayseri province confirms this theory. An underground city was discovered under Bürüngüz district of Kayseri. It is so big that it has more than five gates and it has a great defense system. As the examination of…