Marriage Procedures and Hittites legacy

Marriage is the basis of the society. The archeology found out that modern marriage procedures are dated back to Hittites’ period. According to Hittites’ tablets, family was the important part of the society. So Hittite public built a system that we have been applying for thousand years.

When a couple decided to build a family, firstly the families gave to in marriage. Then the couple got engaged. The groom gave money and vowes to the bride’s family. We have been applying the same procedures even today. That means this procedure has been living for 3000 years. Anatolian society is using this system today. Even the statement for the affiance was similar. ” With the order of God and the permission of prophet, I would like to marry your daughter.” is the statement we use. The statement was that in that period; “With the order of God, I got ……………… the daughter of……… a wife”.

Even the groom and bride were described on ancient pot. Bridal veil ceremony was mentioned on a pot. Two witnesses for the wedding ceremony is also dated back to Hittites’ period.

Hittite Sun Disc in Ankara

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