There are a few places that are very lucky for the history in the world. Some places are famous that their names are told even by closed eyes. There is no need to tell more words in order to define the role of this place in history.
Anatolian peninsula and Thracia are such a place. We can come across many important civilazations in this territory. Some proofs tell us that there are some civilizations even before Hittites. Unknown kings, unknown civilizations are the elements of the world history. We can see the earlier samples of ancient worshipping buildings. Some of the most important historical events became true here. For example, Trojan horse legend and Alexander the Great’s military campaigns can be on the top of the list. The earlier church and syngouges were built here. The earlier Christians hid in Anatolia. Roman Empire became the world dominant here. Science and medical branches developed here. City planning and philosophy had a great role for the life. Also we shouldn’t forget Silk Road. Some of the important destinations of Silk Road are in this territory. East Roman Empire shaped the Christianity by councils here. Jewish traders had an important affect in some sites such as Sardes. Islam was brought here by Turks. More events can be listed.

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