Codex Iustinianus; Basic codex of modern law

Iustinianus I was the emperor who left a big heritage for today’s world. He gave a new order to East Roman Empire. He decorated New Rome (Constantinople). In addition to his services to East Roman Empire, he had a legendary project; Codex Justinianus. Emperor Iustinianus collected the Roman laws in 6th century AD. This was the first constitution of the […]

Vazelon Monastery; One of the earlier monasteries of Anatolia

Monasteries are important building of this landscape because their existence prove that this landscape is the junction point of all cultures in the world. There is a monastery that is older than Sümela Monastery in Trabzon (Eastern Black Sea region). Its name is Vazelon Monastery. Despite of its age, it isn’t very well known by public. This is the story; […]