Seleukeia (Lybre); A site of mariners

Seleukeia ancient site was one of the important sites that had names on historical records. Firstly we can come across its name in the chronicles of mariners “Stadiasmus Maris Mayni” as Seleukeia. It had a sacred identity. It was surrounded with walls and a great architecture had been formed in the city. There is an unique mosaic named ” Seven […]

Agrilion; An ancient site that had historical background

Agrilion was one of the sites that were close to Constantinople. It was the earliest settlement of the region. Also it was the target of civilizations. Let’s listen to Agrilion; This settlement area was dated back to 3000 BC. Many ancient residents were built in the region. Mining was the major economical activity. The political development was provided Hittites and […]

Dorylaion ; An (modern) ancient site of earlier age

There were special sites that had different features. Dorylaion was one of them. It is located nearby Central Peninsula of today. This is the story; We went to a Phrygian city. Its name was Dorylaion. It was a beautiful and rich trade city. The city was decorated with glorious and great buildings. In addition to impressive architecture, there were every […]