Amyzon ancient site is one of the sites that has outstanding features. This site is located in Aydın province. Amyzon had some outstanding features in history. Amyzon was a Carian military patrol. It was built in IIIth century BC. There were important political events such as treaties. There used to be Apollo and Artemis temples…
Hamaxia; the source of cedar trees
Hamaxia ancient site is located nearby Alanya county of Antalya province. It is one of the sites that had less importance rather than others. This is Hamaxia; Hamaxia was constructed on a field that was full of cedar trees. Those trees were materials of vessels in that age. Famous geographer Strabon visited this site and…
Sillyon: A site of malaria spring
Sillyon ancient site is one of the glorious sites of Antalya province. As a similar to others, Sillyon had various facilities such as theater and baths. The difference of this site is its lifetime. The physical proofs show us that there had been settlement till Ottoman period. This is the story; Sillyon was constructed before…
Isaurapolis; A forgotten legacy of Central Anatolia
As we always state, Turkey has a lot of historical legacies from the past. Some of them are famous and some of them are forgotten or some of them can be unknown. Isaurapolis or Zengibar Castle is the one that is forgotten or not known very well. It is located in Central Anatolia ( Konya…