Tourism belongs to all world. It means that everybody can have a good holiday and relax. A new model was designed for middle class. It is named all inclusive tourism. Accommodation facilities prepare a packet for the clients and they sell these packets. Briefly the clients know what to pay for these packets. The advantage…
Cruising; the potential kind of high class tourism
Cruising is a sort of tourism that has a potential for a high class tourism. Some destinations have a great income from cruise tourism. It is known that the people who had a good income preffer this kind of travel because it adresses luxury tourism. Turkey is one of the countries that can get a…
Warship and Tourism; two components of a dilemma
Everything started 18 years ago. People Republic of China purchased an aircraft carrier from Ukraine. It had to be sailed through China but it wasn’t so easy because Montreaux Agreement had strict rules on warship passages on water straits. So Turkish government didn’t want to let this passage happen. After long political conversations, This unmotorized…