According to an international survey, Topkapı Palace of Istanbul was voted as the most beautiful palace. Topkapı Palace which had been the headquarter of Ottoman Empire for 600 years has also a special place among other palaces of the world. Topkapı Palace competed with the big and glorious palaces of Europe and the travelers selected…
Brain surgeries in Anatolia (pre-historic age)
If you imagine that pre-historic age people were very primitive, this article may change your vision. A skull which was discovered in Aşıklı ancient site of Aksaray province is around 9500 years old. It belongs to a woman. The most interesting point is that that woman had a brain surgery 9500 years ago. Also it…
Fake world Cave Part II
Actually I have mentioned on Fake world cave which is located in Gazipaşa county of Antalya province. It is one of the caves that have touristic attraction in Mediterranean region. It has very inretesting features and it is a good stop for a traveler. It is known that it is around 5million years old but…