Seagulls are one of the residences of Istanbul. We can consider them as the symbol of the city. Wherever you go on the shore, you can see the seagulls everywhere. Actually they are feeding by fish but due to pollution, fish population […]
Seagulls are one of the residences of Istanbul. We can consider them as the symbol of the city. Wherever you go on the shore, you can see the seagulls everywhere. Actually they are feeding by fish but due to pollution, fish population got less in recent years. So they become more addictive to human being. For example, you can see many seagulls flying around ferries. Their purpose is to catch bread or simit slices. We share our simits and breads with seagulls.
Seagulls are the natural residences of this city. We can honour them by protecting their environment. And also respect shouldn’t be forgotten.
Istanbul city is located in two continents; Europe and Asia. Its location creates different opprtunities such as marine transportation. You can sail between two continents by a ferry. It is one of the great joys you can find in Istanbul. We know […]
Istanbul city is located in two continents; Europe and Asia. Its location creates different opprtunities such as marine transportation. You can sail between two continents by a ferry. It is one of the great joys you can find in Istanbul.
We know that marine transportation in Istanbul is dated back to ancient times. Ferries of Istanbul are famous and joyful. I advise you to have a tea (or coffee) with a simit which is a circular bread with susame.
Tourism is a mixture of some branches and culture. Also culture has a diversity inside the subject. Briefly if tourism of a country works well, it means that the management of culture and other branches work very well. Having a tool such […]
Tourism is a mixture of some branches and culture. Also culture has a diversity inside the subject. Briefly if tourism of a country works well, it means that the management of culture and other branches work very well. Having a tool such as historical background is a gift but the most important thing is to manage them up to the benefit of the country.
Some countries are very lucky for the fundamental of tourism. Turkey is one of them. We have historical background, multi-cultural structure and hospitality. The disadvantage we have is (sometimes) to be lack of management of those tools. Also tourism is one of the top sectors that are affected from international and economical events in the world. We can state that it is a very sensitive sector. The most important tool we have is the reputation of the country. Investing in tourism means to be flexible and open-minded. Any obstacle can interrupt the works of tourism. Tolerance for other cultures and other people is the another key tool of tourism. Especially the religious tourism is one of the top branches in Turkey. Thus belief have a deep diversity in the world. Every culture has good and bad sides. So we should evaluate them in an objective perspective. Natural beauties are the most important tools of a country not only for tourism and also for environment protection. Turkish Republic have all of those tools. Even domestic tourism can be so perfect that our citizens can be an expert of publicity. It requires investment and education. At least we have a great hospitality in our country.
History is a time period which records the events and everything that affects the life. We find out the events and characters from the historical records. That’s why our cultural legacy is very important. According to the records, we had many powerful characters. Roman Emperors are starring. We can list Alexander the Great and Egytpian Queen Cleopatra and more. Isn’t it enough to state those names to show the importance of this landscape?
Turkish landscape offers you more opportunity. Discover Turkey and explore tourism….
There are photographs of water springs on Turkish landscape. Turkish territory can be considered as a wealthy territory for water. Mostly Turkish territory has flowing rivers and proper eco-systems around them. Except South Eastern Region of Turkey, we can come across water […]
There are photographs of water springs on Turkish landscape. Turkish territory can be considered as a wealthy territory for water. Mostly Turkish territory has flowing rivers and proper eco-systems around them. Except South Eastern Region of Turkey, we can come across water springs. South Eastern region has a dry climate and the rain is so a few that long time droughts can be considered as usual there.
The most wealthy region of Turkey (for water and eco-systems) is Black sea region. It is located on the northern side of Turkey. It is almost green and the whole territory is covered with forests. Those forests have various tonnes of green. So the climate is rainy in whole year. Summer season is very short here. Even in summer, you can come across heavy rains. So the water regime is so high that the creeks are avaliable for outdoor sports such as canoe.
As the climates have changed, the rain regime has also changed in the world. Unfortunately this regime has changed in Turkey, too. Not only the global changes and also some factors we cause have serious results on this climate change.
Water has been the basic element for life since the beginning of the life. Human being should have found out how to control the water in order to create huge settlements. We have found out some methods for this purpose. Roman Empire […]
Water has been the basic element for life since the beginning of the life. Human being should have found out how to control the water in order to create huge settlements. We have found out some methods for this purpose. Roman Empire can be considered as the dominant of water. Ancient Greeks and the Small Asia communities had built systems to control water. The scale of those sites isn’t as huge as today but when we compare the past, they were giant projects.
Our ancient sites are almost 2000 years old or older than this period. They have hints on the water engineering. According to our last information provided from archeaological excavations, those sites have water channel systems that are still functioning. Sewage systems are also included in those systems. Even tough, they are older than 2000 years old, they are functioning perfectly at present. Starting from supplying water from the spring (it can be far away from the settlement area), every process is very impressive. The water was used for ordinary life and also for other purposes such as the hot springs and health. We can see traces of those great systems in those sides.
Some of those systems are so developed that even today it isn’t easy to understand how they were calculated and built. The water aquadects were the most important tools that had the principle of gravity. They have adorable engineering.
Briefly ancient period wasn’t a poor period. The proves tell us that they had a very high knowledge level. Even today we still use some principles.
There is an another strait that tie up two continents beside Istanbul strait. It is located in the border of Çanakkale province. It is in the western region of Turkey. It has been hosting many historical events in history for thousands of […]
There is an another strait that tie up two continents beside Istanbul strait. It is located in the border of Çanakkale province. It is in the western region of Turkey. It has been hosting many historical events in history for thousands of years.
Last historical event was Gallipoli wars during WW1. Heroic Turkish defence stopped the united allien navy and ANZAC soldiers. This region is a military museum and there are sunken ships under the strait. As we know that Alexander the Great crossed over the Dardanelles for his eastern campaign. Ottomans became an important state by crossing Dardanelles. Even today, it is one of the strategic straits of the world.
A visitor can feel the history while visiting Dardanelles.
Turkish landscape offers the visitors great opportunities for religion tourism of the world. Due to the multi-cultural structure of this landscape, many beliefs have a life here including Zoroastrianism (the Persian religion) and Paganism. Starting from the beginning of the human being […]
Turkish landscape offers the visitors great opportunities for religion tourism of the world. Due to the multi-cultural structure of this landscape, many beliefs have a life here including Zoroastrianism (the Persian religion) and Paganism. Starting from the beginning of the human being era, we can find traces of various cultures and settlement in our cultural layers. Briefly Turkish landscape has been hosting human being culture for millions of years.
I would like to summarise you some important religious structures of yhis landscape;
Zoroastrianist temples in Turkey;
Zoroastrianism is one of the world beliefs that have traces in Turkey. Due to the close location to the main land of Zoroastrianism (Iran), we can come across traces of Zoroastrianist temples in Turkish landscape. As we know that Persian Empire attacked Anatolian peninsula and captured some sites in ancient era. Also they brought their religion here. By the archeaological excavations, the archeaologists discovered some Zoroastrianist temples in some locations. So Zoroastrianism took its place in our landscape’s history.
2. Paganism on Anatolia;
Paganism was one of the common religion in ancient era. By effect of Great Roman Empire, paganism spread whole territory. We can see the temples of Greek Gods and Goddess’ here even today. Apollo, Zeus and Artemis were some gods and goddesses.
We can come across big necropole sites nearby the ancient sites. Only the royal people and emperors could be buried to the center of the site. The public funerals were brought to the necropole.
By the launching of Christianity, Paganism was under the danger. So Roman Empire authorities tortured and tried to kill the earlier Christians. Thus some settlements were built such as Cappadocia and central Anatolian underground sites in order to hide and live.
3. Christianity in Small Asia;
As I mentioned above, Christianity was under the pressure of Pagan authorities. Earlier Christians had to hide and live under the ground. But this bad altitiude or this pressure couldn’t succeed to destroy Christianity and Christianity became the official religion of Roman Empire.
Earlier Chiristians used to pray in small areas called chapels. First biggest church was carved into a cave in South of Anatolian peninsula. It was called St.Pierre Church. Apostles visited Small Asia and tried to promulgate Christianity here. St.Paul was one of the apostles that were known here.
It is believed that Santa Claus used to live in Demre region of Antalya. Actually this priest was the one who inspired Santa Claus story. His good manners were adapted to Santa Claus.
Also we should mention some places such as Ephesus, Nicosea and Constantinople. Christianity was shaped in those councils and today’s universal Christianity was born. The biggest Orthodox church of the world is located in Istanbul; Saint Sophia.
4. Jewish Communites in Turkey;
Jewish community has been one of the biggest communities of Anatolia for hunderds of years. Like other beliefs, Jewish has an important place in our cultural structure. Millions of Jewish people lived on this peninsula and they are still living. But the population decreased. We can find many sinagogues in Turkey.
5. Islam in Turkey;
Islam is the last main religion of the world. It was launced in Arabian peninsula but it became universal with Turks. Turkish tribes and states promulgated Islam everywhere. Turkish- Islamic synthesis spread whole world.
Anatolia’s first mosque was built in ancient Ari site (located in Kars province). It was commissioned in 1046.
Wellness is one of the main purposes of a human being. A holiday doesn’t mean to have a rest only and also to be healthy in a natural way. Nature has every sort of tools to provide it for all living organisms. […]
Wellness is one of the main purposes of a human being. A holiday doesn’t mean to have a rest only and also to be healthy in a natural way. Nature has every sort of tools to provide it for all living organisms. Some countries are also very lucky for this potentional tourism branch. Turkish Republic is one of the lucky countries.
Natural water and mud sources are very wealthy in Turkey. Thousands of the international tourists are coming to Turkey in order to be healthy in natural way. Natural water springs and mud baths are the popular destiantions for those.
Anatolian Peninsula has a wealthy natural structure due to the volcanic activities and natural development of the history. Those activities created useful substances that human being can benefit. We have been using those sources for thousands of years.
Necropolis was the most important section of an ancient site. It was called as the site of dead people. Archeaology finds valuable hints on the life of ancient people. Unfortunately some illegal treasure hunters can be able to do good discoveries. Aphrodisias […]
Necropolis was the most important section of an ancient site. It was called as the site of dead people. Archeaology finds valuable hints on the life of ancient people. Unfortunately some illegal treasure hunters can be able to do good discoveries.
Aphrodisias ancient site’s necropolis area was very important. Two sarcopgahuses were discovered on a territory nearby Aphrodisias ancient site. It is thought that this area is the necropolis of Aphrodisias ancient site. The most interesting discovery is that Medusa stamp was found on the sarcophaguses. Fortunately that territory and tombs were rescued from illlegal treasure hunts.
Antakya (Hatay) is one of the historical provinces in Turkey. Historical background of Antakya is dated back to early ages. Since the history was begun, we can be able to come across historical objects in Antakya. Also Antakya (Hatay) is the latest […]
Antakya (Hatay) is one of the historical provinces in Turkey. Historical background of Antakya is dated back to early ages. Since the history was begun, we can be able to come across historical objects in Antakya. Also Antakya (Hatay) is the latest province that joined Turkish Republic (1939). Hatay is in the south region of Turkey.
Since the Roman age, the monuments have been erected or built. Titus Tunnel is one of them. In order to stop the floods, Titus tunnel was constructed. It is so big that a river can run inside the tunnel.
First church of Christianity was built in Hatay. Before this church, chapels were used for praying. As the prayers were getting more, the Christians carved this church. And they built in the name of the apostle St.Pierre.
Hell boatman is a statue that is looking through Antakya city. According to the legend, it was carved to protect ancient city. Unfortunately it is an unfinished statue.
Hatay was the autonomous republic after 1930’s. There was a conflict for this autonomous republc. It was considered as the part of Turkish Republic. It joined to Turkish Republic in 1939.
Hatay is considered as the peaceful city of big religions. Mosques, synagogue and mosques are living together.