Historical Bridge didn’t get any damage

Two big earthquakes which happened on 6th of February left us big damages in the southeastern region of Turkiye. The modern and concrete building were down because of the architectural and engineering problems. We can debate on this issue till we get bored. But Roman architecture gave us a recent answer. Historical Cendere Bridge which…

Türkiye and Earthquake

Earthquake is one of the facts of this geography. Unfortunately, every 100 years or every 50 years Turkish landscape has been facing small or big (depends on the period) earthquakes. Türkiye is like Japan actually. The geographical features always affect from the earthquakes. It is reported that some of them have small magnitudes like 2.0…

Gaziantep Fortress fell to pieces

The earthquake that caused a big damage in South Eastern Turkiye also damaged the historical fortress of Gaziantep province. This fortress is also a symbol of the city. Its history is unknown but it is guessed that it goes back to Hittites in order to dominate the region. After this earthquake, the fortress had a…

Architect Sinan… a master that has defeated earthquakes several times

Earthquake has been very important fact for this region and the world since the beginning.Human being has faced this fact many times in the history. But some genius architects managed to defeat earthquake and time with their legacies. He is one of them, maybe the biggest master of architects…. Architect Sinan He was born between…