This is one of the ancient kingdoms that left undeleted traces in history. This kingdom got its liberty after a hard fight from Assyrians. Also it dominated on a very cricital territory for the trade courses. Commagene Kingdom was established in the middle of Small Asia (almost). This location gained a big advantage in order…
Horoscope of Commagene Kingdom; Horoscope on Lion statue
Astrology was one of the important belief systems of ancient civilizations. Thus we come across many master pieces that belong to ancient world on earth One of them was unearthed on the skirt of Mt.Nemrut; Horoscope on Lion Statue. It is a very special work because it is the configuration of stars in the date…
Was Medusa buried in Underground Cistern?
Medusa is a historical character that can be discussed whether it is fabolous or real. But there is a certain point; she is full of mystery. The myth on Medusa is about her death and her body. According to Ottoman official reports, a mysterious sarcophagus was found. A German doctor was called for thesis. There…
Giants of Anatolia
Giants are the mythological creatures that had lived on the earth thousand years ago. According to some evidences, those giants had lived in Small Asia. Some giant skeletons were unearthed in Small Asia. But unfortunately they were vanished. Local people found some skeletons in caves and secret places. The myths of Anatolia support the existence…
Legend of Seven Brothers Tower Bastion- Diyarbakır
Diyarbakir city wall is the fourth longest city wall in ranking. It has a glorious structuıre and it has 4 main gates. A legend on seven brothers tower bastion is very famous. An enemy attacked on the city wall and the enemy managed to take over the control on the wall but a tower bastion.…
Constantinople with the pandemic of Bubonic plague
We are going back to 540 AD. A bubonic plague pandemic appeared in Egypt. It caused a big chaos in the region. The civilizations that were around the region were on red alert for the disease. The bubonic plague outbreak reached Constantinople after a year. Disease caused a big chaos in East Roman Empire’s capital.…
Juliopolis ancient site; Lost ancient site of Ankara
It is known that there are many ancient sites that locations are unknown. Juliopolis was one of the lost ancient sites, it was discovered in 19th century. Unfortunately it remained under the dam lake. Then after the dam dried out, the ancient site came out. It was on the Eastern border of Bithynian Empire. There…
Boncuklu Field; A historical place that has an important feature
We all know that Göbeklitepe is an ancient site that is one of the oldest civilizations. If we think that it is around 12.000 years old, we may imagine that it isn’t possible to discover any place older than this period. An ancient site at Boncuklu field (in Mardin) is a special site because the…
Karkamış Kingdom of Hittites; A new archeopark of Turkey
A new settlement and a new kingdom center were unearthed on Turkish-Syrian border area. This kingdom was esablished in late Hittites era. Karkamış kingdom was an important state of Hittites era. A settlement area and some palaces were discovered. The items were brought to Gaziantep Archeology Museum and Ankara Anatolian Civilizations Museum. This ancient site…
Byzantian couple that rebuilt Constantinople
East Roman Empire’s capital Constantinople (New Rome) was rebuilt by Emperor I.Justinian and Queen Theodora. Emperor I.Justinian became an emperor and he rebuilt Constantinople siloutte. He stopped the Nika uprising and he had the Hagia Sophia built. It was the third and the last Hagia Sophia. Many cisterns were added to New Rome city. He…