Parion; A port city of Roman age

Parion was an important ancient site and today it is located in the border of Çanakkale province. The discoveries in Parion make the archeologist very excited. A tomb was unearthed and it is understood that it belongs to a local woman doctor. Some solutions were found. She cured some diseases by using snake poison. Also…

Russia; Visitors of Mediterranean coasts

Russian tourists are familiar visitors of Antalya and Mediterranean coasts. Hotels are waiting for Russian tourist groups every year. Demand of Russia is increasing every year. Due to the warm climate of Antalya, Russian prefer southern Turkey. Quality of Antalya is the fact that attracts Russians here. They are all warm blooded guests of Antalya.

Turkey; Capital of archeology

Archeology is the science that discovers the history. There are some countries that are considered as centers of archeology. Turkey is one of them because Turkey has a deep historical background. That’s why this landscape has a priceless heritage. Archeology unearths the past and lightens up the mystery of the history. Turkey is one of…