Troy is an ancient site that was very important for the history. This site had been built for ten times due to some reasons such as earthquake and restorations. Troy was the site where historical legendary war had existed. The culture level of this legendary war was unearthed. The archeaologists found a level that was…
Theaters in ancient period
Theater was the most common and only (almost) way to state every situations in ther public for ancient period. That’s why we can come across many giant and small theaters in ancient sites. Across the world, we can see the same architectural site plan due to Roman affect. As we know that masks of theater…
Istanbul is the home of history
Istanbul is a place where history is written in any period of history. There are many words to state Istanbul. This city has a spirit that was formed in history, it is still improving. Don’t forget to visit Istanbul if you have chance…..
A great building of Metropolis
The last discovery in Metropolis ancient site excited the archeaologists. A big building that is around 1500 years old was built with a developed technology. It had the latest technology of ancient times. It is the proof of great architectural figures. It is thougt that it was the property of a rich person or an…
Massacre of the natural beauties in Turkey
The title is about a nature beauty that is around 12.000 years old. Deepless Lake (Dipsiz göl) was formed around 12.000 years ago. This lake was deformed because of legal treasure quest. It was dried and machines digged the region. So the lake was destroyed. Due to the reactions, treasure quest was cancelled and the…
Two continents in a same geography
Imagine that you are in Istanbul. You are traveling between Europe and Asia. You are crossing over Bosphorus. It is a different sort of trip that we have everyday. Istanbul is a city where two continents tie up. So it is a destination of history.
Turkish Delight; the most sweetest dessert of the world….
Ones who visited Turkey once know this fact very well. Turkish delight is one of the desserts that can cause addictive. Variety of Turkish delight is so wide that it can be prepared of any fruit. It is the acompanion of Turkish coffee. Bitter Turkish coffee has a sweet taste with delight. It is the…
Droughts and Floods in Istanbul
Istanbul city is facing the events of climate change nowadays. Lack of rain makes the authorities make plans for scenarios. Istanbul city had faced many drought and flood events in history. When the city was capital of Ottoman Empire, the city had tough times. It was certain that it was raining more in the past.…
Rakı: A magical Turkish alcoholic beverage
There is an alcoholic beverage of Turkey; Rakı. It is a colorless beverage in the bottle, it gets white when you add water. It is a tough drink, you had better drink with water. It is a companion of various meals such as fish. For example Rakı + fish= Ayvalık, it is the formula of…
Turkish Coffee: A drink that has 40 year sake
Turkish coffee is one of the most famous hot drinks of this landscape with Turkish tea. It is served as plain coffee, coffee with middle sugar and coffee withsugar. It is prepared in a small pot then poured to a coffee cup. It has its own taste and flavour. When two or three ladies gather,…