Zela ancient site had an important place in ancient times. Zela was considered as a religious center more than a site. Because this site was famous for the temples. A…
Veni,Vidi,Vici; Czear was in Small Asia…
We all know the famous words of Roman Emperof Caesar; Veni,vidi,vici. Also we know the meanings of those statements; I came,I saw and I won. But do you know where…
The new Equinox century
Mayans were one of the ancient communities that were famous for their astronomy knowledge. They still have deep impact in today’s world. Their predictions are still our agendas and their…
Orthosia ancient site
As we know that, there are many ancient sites that are ignored but very valuable according to the historical records. Due to the records, it was one of the important…
New tourism model and Turkey
Tourism isn’t a steady sector,it changes up to every conditions. The basic of tourism is always the same but the methods and applications are changed. Every event or technological development…
UFO visited Lake Van
UFO seeing isn’t special only for USA or Russia. An UFO seeing was happened in the province of Van. According to the reports, an object like an UFO came to…
Why is Turkey so attractive for tourism?
Tourism is a mixture of some branches and culture. Also culture has a diversity inside the subject. Briefly if tourism of a country works well, it means that the management…
New Troy Museum in Turkey
Troy is one of the important ancient sites of the world. It is the one of the priceless treasures for archeaology. It is also one of the famous sites of…
Who is Helen of Troy?
Helen of Troy is starring in the story of legendary war. She was the reason of the legendary war. Because of love between Prince Paris and Helen, Greeks and Troians…
The Legendary War of Troy
If the subject is Troy, we always remember the legendary war that caused Troy to be collapsed by a trick. Most of the people thought that this war was only…