Miletos: The site that main sciences were born

Philosophy was one of the main branches that shaped ancient times. Miletos was the ancient site where Thales, Anaximandros and Anaximenes developed a new trend that is valid for today. They were named as ” nature philosophers” and today’s nature understanding is dated back to their period. There used to be a philosophy school that was one of the important […]

Yedikule Dungeons: A time capsule of Istanbul

Istanbul is one of the cities that have buildings like perfect time capsules inside. One of them is Yedikule Dungeons because many well known sultans were imprisoned here. Actually it was built in Byzantine period but it was extended in Ottoman era. Sultans were taken here when any uprising existed. Towers were built for various purposes. It is one of […]

Istanbul Archeological Museum

If those who want to travel in time come to Turkey, one of the attractive destinations is Istanbul Archeological Museum. It was the first history museum of Turkey. It was opened in 1869 as the first modern history museum. Osman Hamdi Bey was the founder of the museum. The archeological excavations had started in Anatolia since 1800’s. Some pieces were […]