A national museum that has a stage to Ottoman- Russian wars in 19th century;Bloody Bastion

Eastern and North Eastern Anatolia were war fields in 19th century. Russian Empire wanted to invade North Eastern Anatolia so Russian army attacked Ottoman border. Kars was one of the targets of Russian Army. That’s why Ottoman forces had some bastions built in that region. Russian Army had a raid to the basitons that they…

Historical Kula village of Western Aegean region

There is a historical region in Western Aegean region of Turkey. Its name is Kula village of Manisa province. There are more than 1000 historical houses that have unique architecture. It is dated back to 18th century. This region has a historical stage for the visitors. It is under the protection of the Ministry of…

Ravanda Fortress ; Witness of history

We have stated that Turkish landscape has a deep historical background for several times. There are many witnesses for this statement. There is a fortress in Southern Anatolia and it was constructed so well that every civilization which reigned the region used this fortress. Its location is so high that it is like an eagle…

Mosaics of Anatolia II

As it is known that Anatolia is a special region for history and archeaology. Mosaics are important masterpieces of ancient site. They tell us very interesting stories from ancient times. We can see the society of Anatolian civilizations. We find skeletons but we don’t have absolute data what they look like. Mosaics help us to…

New results for Çatalhöyük ancient site works

Çatalhöyük ancient site is one of the sites that attaract the attention of archeaology branch. Its features are so special that Çatalhöyük can light up the history. We get new results from those works. According to the latest works, air pollution was one of the issues that Çatalhöyük public had. The public was breathing particules…