Gallipoli War; the last legendary war at the region…

Gallipoli was the place where millions of soldiers fought 106 years ago. The struggle started with a marine war. The fleet of allied forces came to Dardenelles to sail through Black sea. Turkish forces defended Turkish land because the first target was Istanbul. Turkish artillerymen hit the important ships of the fleet and they sank.…

The land of natural therapy sources; Turkey

Wellness is one of the main purposes of a human being. A holiday doesn’t mean to have a rest only and also to be healthy in a natural way. Nature has every sort of tools to provide it for all living organisms. Some countries are also very lucky for this potentional tourism branch. Turkish Republic…

Why is Troy special for history?

Troy and Trojan war became famous thanks to Homer’s Iliada and Greeks’ historical records. It was thought that Trojan war and Troy were fantasy. Although the records describe us a great wealthy site and a legendary war, we couldn’t have concrete proves on them for centuries. A treasure hunter who grew up with the story…

New Troy Museum in Turkey

Troy is one of the important ancient sites of the world. It is the one of the priceless treasures for archeaology. It is also one of the famous sites of Turkish Republic in tourism world. The samples of these sites have great museum exhibition halls. According to this perpection, A new exhibition hall was constructed…