Although it is known as the home pain and captivity, actually it is a living history. The construction year isn’t known. It has been restored so much that the traces of constrution has been lost in the time. It is absolute that it was built as a fortress actually. Then the fortress has inverted into…
İncesu Canyon; A natural treasure of Black Sea region
Black Sea region of Turkey is famous for natural beauties. We can see many great valleys that were formed by the rivers in the mountains. İncesu Canyon is one of those valleys. It is located in the Mid Black Sea region. As it was classified as national park, it has an entrance fee. It is…
A national museum that has a stage to Ottoman- Russian wars in 19th century;Bloody Bastion
Eastern and North Eastern Anatolia were war fields in 19th century. Russian Empire wanted to invade North Eastern Anatolia so Russian army attacked Ottoman border. Kars was one of the targets of Russian Army. That’s why Ottoman forces had some bastions built in that region. Russian Army had a raid to the basitons that they…
Historical Kula village of Western Aegean region
There is a historical region in Western Aegean region of Turkey. Its name is Kula village of Manisa province. There are more than 1000 historical houses that have unique architecture. It is dated back to 18th century. This region has a historical stage for the visitors. It is under the protection of the Ministry of…
Free and Wild horses of Anatolia
Wild life of Anatolia was very wealthy once upon a time. It was possible to come across some animals and species here. Unfortunately most of them are being exctincted. Wild horses of Anatolia are one of the animal groups that are trying to survive. Fortunately there are some works to protect them and to reproduce.…
Ravanda Fortress ; Witness of history
We have stated that Turkish landscape has a deep historical background for several times. There are many witnesses for this statement. There is a fortress in Southern Anatolia and it was constructed so well that every civilization which reigned the region used this fortress. Its location is so high that it is like an eagle…
Lake of Hazar; The natural beauty of Eastern Anatolia
Eastern Anatolia is a region which has many natural treasures such as Hazar Lake. It is in the border of Elazığ province. This lake became a holiday resort for visitors. Originally it was formed by earthquakes and it has an impressive background. According to the archeaologists, there is a sunken site under the lake. Earthquakes…
Love fountain of Sagalassos ancient site
Love fountains are very famous in the world. According to the ancient myth, one who drinks water from those fountains will fall in love. Two of them are in Turkey. Sagalassos ancient site (Burdur province) is the home of those fountains. They have been flowing around for 2000 years. This is the site that has…
Kaz Mountains; An inspiration for artists( in fall)
Western Anatolia has many natural treasures such as Kaz Mountains. Those mountains are being laid North western Anatolia. Eco-system of Kaz mountains is so impressive that it can be considered as unique. Beside the eco-system, the flora is very breathtaking. A visitor can come across every tone of green and red as you see above.…
Zeus Lepsynos Temple of Euromos ancient site
Euromos ancient site was one of the important sites of ancient Aegean region. We can realise its importance by the great temple of Zeus. This temple was the home of famous doctors in ancient Greek world. It was built 2200 years ago. 17 columns supported the structure. It was so well that we can see…