Turkish Republic; the land of tolerance and sharing life with different religions

Turkish landscape offers the visitors great opportunities for religion tourism of the world. Due to the multi-cultural structure of this landscape, many beliefs have a life here including Zoroastrianism (the Persian religion) and Paganism. Starting from the beginning of the human being era, we can find traces of various cultures and settlement in our cultural…

The land of natural therapy sources; Turkey

Wellness is one of the main purposes of a human being. A holiday doesn’t mean to have a rest only and also to be healthy in a natural way. Nature has every sort of tools to provide it for all living organisms. Some countries are also very lucky for this potentional tourism branch. Turkish Republic…

Aphrodisias ancient site; Sacrophaguses around necropolis

Necropolis was the most important section of an ancient site. It was called as the site of dead people. Archeaology finds valuable hints on the life of ancient people. Unfortunately some illegal treasure hunters can be able to do good discoveries. Aphrodisias ancient site’s necropolis area was very important. Two sarcopgahuses were discovered on a…

Antakya (Hatay); One of the cultural centers of Turkey

Antakya (Hatay) is one of the historical provinces in Turkey. Historical background of Antakya is dated back to early ages. Since the history was begun, we can be able to come across historical objects in Antakya. Also Antakya (Hatay) is the latest province that joined Turkish Republic (1939). Hatay is in the south region of…

Edirne; The northern western border of Turkey

Edirne is one of the provinces that have historical background in Turkey. Starting from Roman era, this region became very important. Emperor Hadrianus had a city built in this region. It was an important destination for Roman Empire. It could be considered as an important port city. After Roman Empire era, Turks dominated the region.…

Cappadocia; the land of beautiful horses

Cappadocia is a touristic resort of Turkey. It is known by the fairy chimneys mostly. But this land was famous for something else in the history. Cappadocia was famous for beautiful wild horses in the past. Wild horses of Anatolia are beautiful and great. They are still living in this land. Tours with horses are…

Anamur; The land of domestic banana

Turkish territory is so natural that we can come across many fruits and agricultural products. Banana is one of them. Especially Anamur – the county of Mersin province – is famous for domestic bananas in Turkey. It is located in the south of Turkish Republic. In the recent years, the agricultural products are diversified. Discover…