A dungeon of Roman

As we have stated that Turkish landscape is a treasure for archeaology. Illegal excavations are even able to unearth archeaological objects. Those objects can be so valuable that it isn’t possible to ignore them. One of them was unearthed in Şanlıurfa province of Turkey (the southeastern region of Turkey). A Roman dungeon was unearthed during…

Veni,Vidi,Vici; Czear was in Small Asia…

We all know the famous words of Roman Emperof Caesar; Veni,vidi,vici. Also we know the meanings of those statements; I came,I saw and I won. But do you know where those statements were told? Briefly the history of those statement is below; In small Asia, there used to be a Pontic Greek State in ancient…

Reputation of Turkey

Turkish Republic has a special place in tourism world. Not only the international area and also the public of the world has a special reputation about Turkey. The political and social events may change this trend in periods. Tourism develops up to the developments in the world and inland. Last 2 years were tougher than…

The light house of Patara is being re-erected …

Patara ancient site is one of the important archeological treasures of Turkey. There used to be a great light house that was being constructed by the emperor Neron. The archeaologists are trying to reconstruct the light house. By the assistance of stone recovery workshop, the light house will be re-erected. The purpose is to make…

Turkey & Greece; two tourism countries

Tourism is a sector which combines cultures and people. Sometimes the origin doesn’t matter. It is the absolute definition of tourism. There are some countries that are touristic in the world such as Turkey and Greece. They are rivals in tourism for normal conditions. They compete each other to attract international tourists. By using the…

An Anatolian tradition; Safranbolu

When we check the UNESCO list, we can come across some towns that are famous for architecture. Safranbolu is one of the Anatolian towns that are known very well. This town is located in northern region of Turkey. Safranbolu’s background is dated back to Turkish tribes. Regional architecture is very important for culture. Because architecture…

Historical Kemaliye town and Midyat historical sight seeing places; The new historical treasures in UNESCO list

Historical Kemaliye town (above) which is located in Southern region of Turkey is one of the historical treasures of Turkey. Historical town has many unique facts such as traditional architecture and famous stone way. Since the centuries, Kemaliye had been a cultural center and also it was one of the places which provided meat for…